About me

Hello there, I'm Guiyong Zheng (郑桂勇), currently an Master at SmarT Autonomous Robotics (STAR) of Sun Yat-sen University , with the supervision of Prof. Boyu Zhou.

My research interests include the areas of Robotics and Deep Learning, with focus on: 3D scene understanding, Perception.


  • Master , School of Artificial Intelligence, Sun Yat-sen University
    Zhuhai, 2024.09 - present
  • B.Eng , School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University
    Xi'an, 2020.09 - 2024.07


(* stands for equal contribution, stands for corresponding authors)

  • SOAR: Simultaneous Exploration and Photographing with Heterogeneous UAVs for Fast Autonomous Reconstruction
    Mingjie Zhang*, Chen Feng*, Zengzhi Li, Guiyong Zheng, Yiming Luo, Zhu Wang, Jinni Zhou, Shaojie Shen, and Boyu Zhou
    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. (Oral)
    Paper | Project Page
  • MASSTAR: A Multi-Modal Large-Scale Scene Dataset with a Versatile Toolchain for Surface Prediction and Completion
    Guiyong Zheng*, Jinqi Jiang* , Chen Feng*, Shaojie Shen, and Boyu Zhou
    Tech Report, 2024.
    Paper | Project Page

Selected Projects

Selected Awards

  • National Scholarship
    top 1%, Ministry of Education of P.R. China, 2021, 2023
  • National university students robotics competition, RoboMaster
    Second Prize, DJI, 2022, 2023
  • National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest
    Second Prize, The organizing committee of NUEDC, 2022
  • Hua Meng Scholarship
    top 1%, Xidian University, 2023
  • Outstanding student
    top 5%, Xidian University, 2021, 2022, 2023